Welcome to Class 4's page.
Class 4 is made up of Year 5 and Year 6 children and is taught by Mrs McGarrigle and supported by Ms Gaffney.
Autumn Term 2024
We have some really exciting learning to be done this term. We will be focusing our History lessons on our theme of crime and punishment. This will allow us to look at various periods throughout history and compare these to modern day policing. To help support this topic of learning we will be immersing ourselves in high quality texts such as Hansel and Gretel by Neil Gaiman and William Shakespeare's Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. As well as these fantastic texts we will be reading Holes by Louis Sachar as our class novel.
For more information about our Autumn term curriculum please see the topic web below.
Reading – for 20 mins everyday. Please record which pages you have read each night and the book you are currently reading in your diary.
Times Tables – Quick recall of times tables facts can have a significant impact on maths confidence and performance. Please encourage your child to learn / recall/ recite tables on a regular basis.
If you have any queries about homework or anything else you would like to discuss please do not hesitate in contacting the school office to make an appointment.