'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me' – Philippians 4v13
We have a vision for everyone at Bridgemere to be lifelong learners; trying their best, enduring tough times with hope and courage and being open to new experiences.
We believe that God helps us to grow, especially through challenges, we therefore value resilience. In order to flourish, we aim to support every child and adult with the diverse challenges of everyday life.
- perseverance, creativity, trust, compassion, friendship, community, responsibility, thankfulness
As a Church of England school we believe that good education must promote life in all its fullness.
Our Computing Vision – for all children to be computer literate and confidently solve problems creativity.
Our Principles of Computing Teaching
- Children are responsible and safe users of information and communication technology.
- Children can evaluate and apply information technology, including new or familiar technologies, analytically to solve problems.
- The children are engaged in interactive lessons.
- Children are independent and skillful users of digital technology and will be outward looking and forward thinking in this technological age.
- There are opportunities for children to lead and extend their own learning.
- Children enjoy computing and feel confident and motivated to achieve further.
- Children feel secure and confident in exploring their own ideas.
- Children are digitally literate and will be able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology, at a level suitable for future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.