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Living Well Together....

It was a pleasure for some of our children to be chosen by Chester Diocese this year along with other local schools to talk about what 'Living Well Together' means.  The children's wisdom was shared at the Headteacher's Conference last Friday and we would like to share this with you


We are proud to announce that we are introducing a program all year groups at Bridgemere CE Primary called myHappymind. myHappymind is all based around helping children to understand how their brain works and to support them in developing positive skills and habits to be their very best selves! Please

1st place for our Dodgeballers....

Well done to our Year 5 & 6 Dodgeball team who came 1st in the Crewe and Nantwich Dodgeball Competition this week. An amazing achievement, you should be very proud of yourselves.  

Celebrating circles and triangles...

We have been celebrating circles and triangles this week in Class 1! We brought in objects from home that we found and described what makes a circle a circle and a triagngle a triangle using great mathematic language, well done Class 1 you are amzing.

Gardening Club....

There's nothing better than on a rainy day after school to cheer yourself up by planting some basil seeds! Well done Gardening Club, keep your seeds warm and watered and you will have fresh basil very soon to put on your pasta, enjoy!

Food bank donations....

Thank you so much for all the generous harvest donations. The total donation weight was an amazing 55.27kg. Thanks to our head boy and girl for taking all the donations to the Nantwich Foodbank in Stapeley, they needed strong arms!

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