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New vicar – St John's Doddington

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The churches of St James Audlem, St Chads Wybunbury and St Johns Doddington are pleased to announce the appointment of the Rev Alison Fulford to the post of Vicar subject to all the legal formalities being fulfilled. She will take up her appointment at a date to be announced.A brief hello from Alison:
I am really looking forward to being your new vicar and getting to know you. Just so you know a little bit about me here's an introduction. I was brought up in a Christian family so have been to church all my life. After university, I carried on studying as I went to 'vicar school' (theological college!) at Ridley Hall, Cambridge. I have been fortunate to work in a number of churches over the years; in Norwich, Nottingham and surrounding countryside and here in lovely Cheshire. I am married to Ben and have two children. To relax, I like drinking coffee with friends, gardening, reading, having fun days out, knitting and Netflix.'
We look forward to welcoming her at Bridgemere CE School. 

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