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Goodbye from Mrs Rowley

thank you

Thank you to everyone who came to say goodbye today, my last day here at Bridgemere has been emotional but very lovely. Thank you for all my gorgeous gifts and cards. I will miss all the children, parents and staff so much. I wrote a little poem which I read out (through tears) in the celebration worship today, Mrs Middleton has asked that I share it with you all.

For the final time...

Many thanks
Mrs Rowley x

This story I tell started many years back
When I came to this school, many skills I did lack

With help from the staff I learnt quite a lot
Even pupils would help when I sometimes forgot

Each year more new faces would start in class one
I got upset each July when the Year 6s were gone

We battled through covid which made us all stronger
It made our jobs hard and the days so much longer

When we got back to normal the activities would begin
A new choir setup, each Monday we sing

Winning competitions – at town sports we came first
I was worried that with excitement Mrs Willington would burst

Christmas nativities with Joseph and Mary
Handing out envelopes for the tooth fairy

Stories in class one, helping with sats in May
Making the brews for the monthly stay and play

Mega boost held on a Tuesday night
Fobs Halloween parties were always a fright

I love so much about this special place
These things to name a few put a smile on my face

Over 5 years later and I've had so much fun
Every residential and trip, yes every single one

I'm so very sad that I'm leaving today
But don't worry as I'm not that far away

But for now I will say a teary goodbye
Thank you to all, It's been such a high

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